Writing Your Short Story

Online Classes
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If you’ve been writing scripts long enough, chances are someone has told you that you should rethink one of your scripts as another format: graphic novel, play, short story, or, gasp, a novel. If you’re not an artist and can’t afford to hire one, that leaves you with one option. Prose. 

We know what you’re probably thinking. Prose is stodgy, old-school. Florid language makes screenwriters cringe. But what if we told you that learning how to work with just your word, learning how to quickly and efficiently paint a scene, create a mood, craft dialogue, and mold fully realized characters out of nothing but a page are skills you learn working with prose. And they’re skills you can most definitely carry over to your scripts even if you decide not to pursue publication.  

And guess what, if you decide to pursue publication after writing your short stories in class, you have a number of other advantages. You’ll be building a brand as well as creating your own IP, you’ll have some leverage when approaching reps, and you might even be able to get paid for the submission. 

Anyone can tell a story in 120 pages, but could you tell one in 5?


In This Four Week Program, You Will Learn

  • Just what is a short story and what is it trying to accomplish? 
  • Why write short stories? 
  • The Ins and Outs of publication 
  • How to put together a story and strip away nonsense  
  • Writing, writing, and more writing: you will complete at least two short stories
  • The importance of revision 
  • Getting an agent 

Week One - Introduction

Date / Time

Today's class will cover: 

  • Writing Dos and Don’ts
  • Class Goals
  • What is a short story?
  • What is a short story trying to accomplish?
  • Discussion of materials

Week Two - Professional Writing

Date / Time

During this class, we will cover: 

  • Why write short stories?
  • The submission and publication process
  • Workshop materials **Note: This will be “workshop” style and you will be expected to read your
    classmate’s material and have reasoned responses.

Week Three - Structure

Date / Time

This week we will cover: 

  • How are stories put together?
  • Formally, how do you piece together a story in the most efficient way?
  • How do you strip away nonsense
  • Workshopping Materials

Week Four - Final Session

Date / Time

This week, we will cover: 

  • The Importance of Revision
  • Getting an Agent
  • Getting Rejections
  • Writing, Writing, Writing
  • Final Workshop of Materials
More about
Zachary Allard
Creative Executive
Exile Entertainment
A graduate of Georgetown with a Masters in English, Zac Allard is currently a Creative Executive at management and production company Exile Entertainment, which represents award-winning writer/directors including Guillermo Del Toro (SHAPE OF WATER), Jennifer Kent (THE BABADOOK), and Josephine Decker (SHIRLEY). Zac has extensive experience working at numerous production companies and was one of the early readers on The Black List. In addition to developing/editing material with screenwriters and novelists and playwrights, Zac has published both creative and critical writing in a variety of journals and magazines.
How it Works

Cancellation Policy: You may cancel for a full refund up to 5 days prior to the start of the class. Cancellations requested after this period will be ineligible for refunds.

Please ensure you are familiar with our Code of Conduct.

The Roadmap Promise

Roadmap Writers prides itself on the quality of executives we bring to our programs and we work hard to get you the best feedback possible.

Our vetted executives are chosen by the legitimacy of the companies they work for and their ability to evaluate pitches and pages.

Only the executives you sign up for will be provided with your materials.