Web series with a following
TV movies
Stories about the elderly
Sports Medicine
Slave narratives, Civil rights
An alumna of both Howard University and Wake Forest School of Law, shortly after becoming an attorney, Robinson soon realized her range of experiences, along with her love of both genre & period pieces, could be married in creative producing. Robinson’s focus as a creative and executive is to champion access & healthy representation, by building worlds that feature strong, culturally specific characters in settings that resonate with us all. She previously worked
in development at de la revoluciøn films.
Most recently, Robinson produced two short films by Logan Jackson (LEONETTY,THE BLUEST HOUR) and a short film by Jesus Celaya (THE WORDS OF CAYETANO). Her previous credits include: HATSHEPSUT(Associate Producer), a short film by Sonia Machado Hines and
HARRIETTA (Executive Producer), a concept trailer for a pilot written and directed by Emmy nominated writer Kindsey Young.
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