Dear Roadmappers!
LGBTQIA+ pride is here and as a gay CEO, it’s so exciting to see the world embracing queer voices now more than ever. Growing in the industry, I have often felt like an outsider working at different companies where I was the only gay employee. Not to mention forcing a smile during the more… awkward times (like being told by a former employer to lower the octave of my voice when talking to people).
It’s thrilling to see the world embracing different points of view and it’s more important than ever for writers to know who they are as humans and let those special things that make them human influence their writing. Execs are looking for familiar foundations with unique points of view and your POV is directly connected with who you are as a human. Usually, the things you tried to hide about yourself when you were a kid/teenager are the very things you should be mining for what we call your “personal logline”. Embrace it, be unapologetic, and let your unique flag shine!
In June, we will be running two exciting free panels with industry professionals who either identify as LGBTQIA+ or are working on projects that raise queer voices. We will also be revisiting our previous LGBTQIA+ initiatives to find writers we can circulate/recirculate to our industry contacts (for free).
SIGN UP TODAY: https://www.roadmapwriters.com/products/month-pride-free-panels
If you've ever felt like an outsider or different—GOOD. That’s what makes you special and that’s what the world (and the industry) craves right now.

Always In Your Corner,
Joey Tuccio
CEO @ Roadmap Writers