As of August 25th, we've gotten 350 Writers Signed to representation!
Since 2016, it's been our main focus on getting writers ready to be repped and then making introductions. In addition, prior to the strike, we've had numerous writer clients get development deals, sell shows/scripts, get produced, get OWAs, and get staffed on shows.
As of today, we've had 47 writers get signed in 2023.
We're so pleased to play a part in helping hundreds of writers realize their dreams of becoming professional screenwriters. It's the fuel that keeps us going. That and we love writers to bits. Most of our team are writers and previous success stories!
As always, "Be a human first, and a writer second."
If you wanna join the party and not sure where to start, check out our Career Writer Program!
And, we've posted all the 30-60 minute interview webinars as part of the celebration, featuring a manager, excellent A-list and working writers, Roadmap Alums, and reps.
Watch them all HERE!
We are also supporting the Animal Rescue Mission, a non-profit LA based rescue devoted to helping dogs and cats find their forever home. During the strikes, the Animal Rescue Mission will help to provide dog and cat food to those financially affected by the strikes. You can donate directly to the Animal Rescue Mission here. If in need of help feeding your pet, email joey@roadmapwriters.com.
- 8/9 - Ryan Cunningham (Manager @ Anonymous Content)
- 8/10 - Michael Poisson (ROBOT CHICKEN, RAISING DION)
- 8/13 - Kris Crenwelge (SPIRIT RANGERS)
- 8/15 - Justin Calen-Chenn (BEL-AIR)
- 8/16 - Niko Gutierrez-Kovner (BEEF, LOVE,A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN, DAISY JONES & THE 6)
- 8/17 - Jasmine Chiong (KUNG FU PANDA: THE DRAGON KNIGHT)
- 8/17 - Scott Z. Burns (CONTAGION, THE REPORT)
- 8/19 - Emily Abbott (COBRA KAI)
- 8/19 - Charlie Peppers (POKER FACE)
- 8/21 - Lillian Wang (FUBAR, REACHER)
- 8/21 - Kelly Eisenbrand (staffed on Disney series)